Age Of Empires 3 Game

This version of the Age of Empires III games comes with detailed storylines & graphics and includes also a focus on strategies. A gamer is given the options of 3 different civilizations in order to develop the Iroquois and Aztecs Sioux.
System Requirements Of Age Of Empires 3 Game Setup for Windows:
- CPU: 1.4GHz
- RAM: 256MB
- VGA Card Memory: 64MB
- OS: Windows XP,7, Vista
- Hard Free Space: 3GB
How to Download and Install?
- First of all, you can download the game using the download link available below the post.
- Extract the File with “MagicISO”.
- Open the folder where you extract the game, double-click “Setup” and install it.
- When he wants the serial key Type this: DXR32-X44M7-CYTCX-P6H6P-97CPG
- After installation is complete, go to the folder where do you extract Age OF Empires 3.
- Open the “CRACK” folder, copy all files, and paste where you install Age of Empires 3.
- Then double-click on the “age3” Icon to play the game. Enjoy!