I have gotten direct X 10 on this website unless I’ve installed it wrong i can’t think of another problem. And sound settings what do I look for in it?
will it run on my computer
dual core pentium
nvidia graphics software
directx 8(I don’t know why 9 is not getting installed)
32 bit
& prince of Persia is running on my PC
It does not work on windows 10 it just automatically stop when i openit
Even i use the troubleshoot and change to windows xp it just do the same thing please help me
when I press the usm icon to do the setup its says that ultimate Spider-Man stopped working. t happens every time I try to do the setup. what should I do? plz help
download link not working on my computer
it is still not working.
Download Links working 100% please first read this Post Click here -> How to Download Games and software
Hello the game has successfully downloaded but during cut scenes there is no sound.
Please help me.
sound is working check your system sound setting
game setup is not running it is saying that ‘to start this program , windows need to know what program created it’ please help me
Please update your direct X click here download direct X setup
it cant working it says error please help me
Error name Please send me – Note – please update your Direct X Software
its not working
Game status checked working fine… Note: Game Must required Direct X latest version click here to download Direct X
Hey, could you please help me the cutscenes have no sound and I’ve tried everything to fix it. Do you have any way of fixing it? thanks
Sound working fine perfectly please check your sound setting – Upgrade your Direct X Software
I have gotten direct X 10 on this website unless I’ve installed it wrong i can’t think of another problem. And sound settings what do I look for in it?
Will This Game Work For Windows XP Service Pack 2
Sure – you can play it
Winrar tells me error… file is corrupt. how do I fix this
File is ok restart your system retry to extract
will it run on my computer
dual core pentium
nvidia graphics software
directx 8(I don’t know why 9 is not getting installed)
32 bit
& prince of Persia is running on my PC
yes you can play it!
oh RAM 3
pakka na
hey why do this game dont have sounds in cutscenes ?
Mine has none either lol you just have to deal with it
I want Help How To Do Setting OF Ultimate Spider Man
Plz Reply of My Question
thers no voice and music help me pleas!!
Which download button is correct
click on “Download” text !
why do you need a credit card if its free
lol 😀 no credit card required all games free download and install in your pc!
this is rip version?
thank you brother
thank you for the game
Does it work windows 10
this game will run on laptop\
i love this game
with out graphic card it will run or no
you cant run without graphic card
but you must copy the link and paste it in IDM
excuse me my RAM is 1GB but the is too slow in my pc
what should i do ?
simply increase your RAM Memory
do this game need graphic card
yes graphic card is most important for play the game
It does not work after i open it,it crash before it play is it because my computer is 64 bit
I can run Fallout 3 and similar games pretty well but this game is too laggy and jerky to play properly.
benim bilgisayar 32 bir 4 ram calisirmi
I have 4 gb ram but it is not working well…… it’s too slow
plz answer me
i need new avenger games under 1 gb plz
It does not work on windows 10 it just automatically stop when i openit
Even i use the troubleshoot and change to windows xp it just do the same thing please help me
Hi thank you for this game
i doweded is not working pls help me
this is a play station game you can run with PlayStation emulator
Is it full version?
Is it highly compressed?
Hey bro game is working but game starts hang during play the game please tell me what should I do ?
Check system requirements
Hey bro please help me I want to play this game please please please please…..
sleeping dogs not work properly
what is the error occurring ?
it is not 100 mb
Hello I have a problem when I download this game it download only shows 548.62 KB only please solve this problem
follow downloading method click here
thank you !!!! amazing game !!!!
when I press the usm icon to do the setup its says that ultimate Spider-Man stopped working. t happens every time I try to do the setup. what should I do? plz help