This version of the Age of Empires III games comes with detailed storylines & graphics and includes also a focus on strategies. A gamer is given the options of 3 different civilizations in order to develop the Iroquois and Aztecs Sioux.
System Requirements Of Age Of Empires 3 Game Setup for Windows:
- CPU: 1.4GHz
- RAM: 256MB
- VGA Card Memory: 64MB
- OS: Windows XP,7, Vista
- Hard Free Space: 3GB
How to Download and Install?
- First of all, you can download the game using the download link available below the post.
- Extract the File with “MagicISO”.
- Open the folder where you extract the game, double-click “Setup” and install it.
- When he wants the serial key Type this: DXR32-X44M7-CYTCX-P6H6P-97CPG
- After installation is complete, go to the folder where do you extract Age OF Empires 3.
- Open the “CRACK” folder, copy all files, and paste where you install Age of Empires 3.
- Then double-click on the “age3” Icon to play the game. Enjoy!
Reguarding : age of empires 3
Thanks a lot dude it worked…….keep it up…
welcome thanks for appreciating
Sir how to mount the game and install, sorry newbie here, cnt understand the following
Sorry hold on i will reply after a few hours !
Ok sir i dowload already the game but i cant understand mount disc 2 and 3 during instalation
Dude can u tell what was the product key??
i cant play it. why?
send me error name
sir i download age of empire 3 and both expanison fully updated feb 2010
i had some error during instaling
“error: 1311.source file not found
game not require for installation
how to play this game instruction available in download page
sir my
os: windows 8 enterprise 32 bit
ram: 2GB
graphyics card: intel pentiam 2.10 GHz
why age of empires game show that error message
“error: 1311.source file not found”
reply please
i had spend many time to download this game so please help me
Follow download method How to download games and software
Note: this is torrent download file must be install u torrent software in your PC click here to download u torrent setup
Is The torrent link working
How i open torrent file
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i download age of empire 3 game
i try to install it it shows please insert age of empire 3 disc
what i do?????
installation instruction available on download page
i will upload tomorrow stay updates !
you have car tycoon
i will upload tomorrow
can you help me?
I’ve follow the instruction until the last step, but it immediately connected to internet explorer.
I don’t know what to do next. I’m still stupid about this, sorry.
brother torrents is blocked in india
now how to download
Can u pls send the age of empires 3 link I don’t know how to download the game pls any one send the link
Click here to download Age Of Empires 3 Game
Sir I didn’t find the game to download …when I am go to download and click on (click here to download) it is downloading the app named ..(android assistant)… please tell me how to download the age of empires III ..it is one of my favorite games
Click on “Download” text – follow downloading method How to download games and software
i cant get how to downloag age of empire 3
Torrent Download Link update !
what’s the product key?
Follow the Installation Instruction
Installation note available on download page
can i play this game dell inspiron 1525 with 2gb ram,windows vista home premium,and graphics card less than 64 mb
it is askingfor password.. what is the password..??
no password required
Does it works with widows 10?
if i open the game, the game will not open until i write the product key. What’s the product key?
No password required follow the Installation method
Asking Product key. Is there any way to get it?
No Product key mended please follow the instrumentation below!
After Installation Don’t open it. Extract the ISO itself See the PROPHET folder copy the content
Paste it to the game’s bin directory or file location.
give us the link for the installation method.?
Installation Method available in download page
it is asking for password ??
no password required !
Please tell the rar Pass.
No password requirements
Hey does this include the expansion packs. Many Thanks
product key sir
not required
link not worked
torrent link working fine !
brother…i am from India… i got here by my friends advise… i think your the top best game torrent website in the world… and now i am looking forward you to answer my problem…look i successfully download the files… but after installation once completed its asking my the 25 character product key. please tell the product key..i have seen all the above comments.. please kindly help us out.
After Installation Don’t open it. Extract the ISO itself
See the PROPHET folder copy the content
Paste it to the game’s bin directory or file location
Play the game
or if u feel that i had done a wrong installation process then say me how to install it properly. help me out bro.
Sir.. Please tell me How to Download it…
Follow downloading method: How to Download games and software
I have figured it out, and decided I shall try to explain it in clear English, instead of repeating “Follow downloading method” which explains nothing…
1. Once you have downloaded and installed the game to your computer, go back to the original download folder.
2. Find the folder called “PROPHET” – open it.
3. Copy all four files inside this folder – (“age3”, “age3x”, “age3y”, “prophet”)
4. Open location of installed game (usually “C:/Program Files/Microsoft Studios/Age of Empires III – Complete Collection/bin”).
5. Paste the four files you copied into that location – this will ask you if you want to overwrite three files that already exist in that location, which you do, so press yes to all.
6. Now try playing the game by opening your newly copied “age3” file. It should work without asking for the encryption key.
Hope this helps.
age of empires 3 is giveing me an error showing me [ the program cant start because d3dx_25.dll is missing from your computer try to reinstall it]]] this message am geting
click here to download d3dx_25.dll missing file after download this paste in game install directory
Please upload age of empire 3 the asian dynastics
i will upload as soon as possible
I am waiting
sir i can extract the setup and open the game then it can need password
where can i find my product key
Download torrent/ISO
Mount ISO Using Magic disk (recommended)
After Installation Don’t open it. Extract the ISO itself
See the PROPHET folder copy the content
Paste it to the game’s bin directory or file location
Play the game
Thank You Very Much, Works like a charm.
welcome my dear brother